
In hind sight

I'm reminiscing and thanking God for all that we experienced while we were in Baja last winter. I think  it has taken time to fully appreciate what we had the privilege to be a part of. Now that we have been home nearly a year  it has really sunk in how much we  were blessed as a family.  It was so easy to take it for granted while we were in the middle of all our daily routines and work.  

A year ago today our kids clothes were faded and worn from months of use and hanging to dry in the desert sun.
Spring was making it's subtle appearance with new leaves and orange blossoms.

The weather warmed and our fleece sweaters were stored away under the bed in our trailer. 

My children's hair was sun bleached white and their cheeks were a permanent shade of pink.

We knew our time was coming to an end and we were making the most of every day.

We attended the annual "tea party"when all the little girls at the orphanage dressed up for a very special afternoon.  They were each treated like princesses and served tea and sweets  in a fairy tale setting.

We said a lot of goodbyes...and see you soon's to children and friends who mean so much to us.

I'm so thankful and humbled by what God did in us during that short time.
The impact we made there was so small in comparison. 
My children learned to see the beauty diversity.   They learned to see past a disability and see the person. 
They learned to be comfortable with those differences. 

They learned how to make friends even though they barely spoke the language and they were very visibly different than their peers.  
 They have empathy for others who struggle with English or come from a different culture.
They know how it feels.
They don't take things like a house, a bed, or a full belly for granted.
They have had close friends who had none of those.

We pulled our kids out of school and drove them across two borders into a country considered "unsafe".  We neglected to sign them up for sports teams and music lessons.   We removed them from everything familiar, safe and comfortable.   
At a very impressionable age no less.

The impression left by that recklessness has been great.

Letting them experience a world that includes children who sleep in dirt and babies left in garbage dumps,
allowing them to struggle, to give, to work, to see for themselves what a big God we serve
changed them.
It changed the people they will become.

We learned that God can take whatever we have to offer and use it in His work and for His glory.
I learned that what we think we have to offer may not be what he wants from us. 
I learned some lessons the hard way.
I was humbled and challenged.

We discovered first hand how faithful God is.  
We stepped out in faith, took a risk, and he was with us every step of the way.
We had the privilege of serving and loving alongside others who spend their lives for something bigger than themselves.
We were inspired and humbled by the passion, faith, and tenacity of our Mexican brothers and sisters.

We discovered that even a small investment of love into someone else's life may have eternal impact.
Only God can turn something that seems so insignificant at the time  into something worthy of his name.

He showed me that family ,at it's best, extends beyond the walls of my house and beyond my own blood line.

Is it any wonder I feel like I'm living with half our heart somewhere else?
I don't want to live in the past or feel discontent with where we are in the present.  What I do want to do is  thank God for it, learn from it, and use it to inspire our future.
What does God have for our family next?
I have no idea.
Right now we are trudging through the world of foster adoption and loving every minute of our newest little treasure.
We know that God's work in us and through us is always changing, always new,
and usually what we don't expect.


Jobina said...

Now I'm sniffing and tearing up...thanks :o/

I remember reading through your celebrations and struggles while you were in Mexico and I remember thinking that it's not an experience that the world could catagorize as good or bad...the only words that came to my mind over and over was that it was WORTH IT. Pouring love on people, experiencing change in yourself, becoming more like Christ...that's all worth it! And struggling through this Foster Adoption now is worth it too!
I'm so encouraged when I read your blog Carla because you are honest about struggles and failures and yet you celebrate what God has done and is doing, you see joy in little things. God has done and is doing a great work in you and your family.
Cheers (with my big coffee mug in hand) to today, have a good one!

Christy said...

"Is it any wonder I feel like I'm living with half our heart somewhere else?
I don't want to live in the past or feel discontent with where we are in the present. What I do want to do is thank God for it, learn from it, and use it to inspire our future.
What does God have for our family next?
I have no idea."

Describes my life so perfectly too. Thanks for your post.