
Harvest 2009

We have wrapped up our first full week of harvest! Today is Sunday and I am so glad we shut everything down for some rest and family time. Both are desperately needed after a week of working long hours and the kids being shuffled to grandma's house everyday.
I'm nursing a nasty sore throat and generally feeling really sickish so I'm hoping some rest (and lots of hot lemon and honey) will have me back in working form tomorrow.

The kids usually join us in the field at dinner time which is brought to us by my mom...who is also babysitting my three kids. Auntie Odette was around this week and my kids loved hanging out with her. She was a great help on the home front while her husband helped in the field. Harvest on this farm is a family affair, usually involving three generations. A few years ago we had 4 generations out in the field eating dinner together. That's farm life. The kids have all had a turn riding in the combine with mom or dad.

Here is the view out the front window of my combine. We've been harvesting red lentils, green lentils and dry yellow peas this week. That's a lot of soup! As semi loads of lentils role out of the field its fun to think of all the people who will have dinner on the table somewhere in a foreign country. Its neat to be part of that process.

It was hot this week. Its been beautiful warm dry weather which is perfect for getting a crop off. Next weeks forecast looks good too.

Dinner in the field is a tradition that goes back as far as harvest itself I think. My mom brings us out one hot meal and we pack a lunch in a little cooler for the rest of the day. Its my one chance to stretch my legs and get the blood flowing again. I usually opt to stand and eat :) Sitting in one place for 10 or more hours a day can really be hard on a body...especially one that's used to movement. I enjoy the work though and its a fun change from housework. The work I accomplish in the field actually stays done for a year!...unlike housework which is never done. I enjoy listening to my satellite radio. My hands are always busy, steering with one hand and the lever and buttons in the other. I don't really get bored because there is always something to be paying attention to....besides I'm totally OK with boredom :)

Dumping some green lentils into the semi.

Tomorrow is Aili's 8th birthday! I don't know what she was thinking being born in the middle of harvest. ;)
I need to get my body in gear today and make a birthday cake, put up decorations, wrap a present, stuff a pinata, and get ready for tomorrows party. She's having 5 girls over for a "High school Musical" party after school. Tomorrow is their first day of school. What a way to celebrate a new school year. I need to remember to get all their school stuff gathered and packed for tomorrow morning too.

I will be out in the field most of the day while the kids are in school ,but will leave work early to party with my girl.
My plate is a little bit more full than normal right now....so I'm a little frustrated that I'm feeling less than my usual healthy self.
This is the nature of harvest on the prairies though....a crazy busy pace.

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